Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's been a long time!

Sorry about my lack of entries. I haven't had anything very interesting to blog. Except, I qualified for the Boston Marathon in St. George. Whoohoo, 3:36 was my overall time. That included 8 pee breaks and pouring rain and wind. I should've been able to cut 10 minutes off but with those conditions, that's what I got. So, I'll be running the Boston Marathon on April 20. I'm pretty excited. That is like the Super Bowl of the running world (with 25,000 other runners:), it is kind of what we all try to obtain in running so I am so happy that I did it.

Football has been fun with the boys. Parker is a brut and makes kids cry. That's right little Parker. Braydon is enjoying his first year and is learning well and wants to play again next year.

Nicole and Megan started voice lessons on Tuesday nights. That should be fun. The kids have been off track and life has been a little chaotic. I will hopefully be a little better at posting now. Be patient with me:)