Thursday, August 21, 2008

Gettin' ready to race.

Well, it has been a little bit busy this past week. Aug. 14 was my birthday. Happy birthday to me! Ha, ha. I have been running a ton in preparation for the St. George Marathon and the half marathon I have this weekend. Saturday was a 20 miler and both boys had scrimige games (very busy) and Braydon had a car wash fundraiser for football. I am totally loving football but holy cow, I swear that is all they do. I feel like I am always driving someone somewhere. Braydon had another scrimige game in MAGNA last night. There went our whole night. The kids are doing well in school and football has really forced the boys to stick to a stict schedule, which has been really nice in some ways. Nicole started her first day of middle school today. It was a little weird to think I have a child that old. She was really excited but I think she was really nervous also. She looked cute though but when doesn't she. Parker has another scrimige tonight and I am excited to watch him cuz he has been doing extremely well. He might be small but he is tough. Must get that from me. Ha, ha. As my dad always says (quote from movie "Trains, Planes, and Automobiles") "She might be little but her first baby came out sideways and she didn't scream or nothin'." My dad makes me laugh. It was his birthday yesterday along with Sadie, Aunt Beth, and Ethan. Busy day for birthdays.


Sunshine Marketing said...

Jr High? Ewwwww YUCK! That is what I have been dreading all these years! Dakota had orientation today and loved it! Dallas goes to testing tonight at his chartger school and Sawyer starts preschool in two weeks! Thatcher had his first Bday which was a huge milestone for the year he has had! I am sorry that Parker was sick! I didnt even know! Hopefully with your blog I can keep up with you better! I cant wait to see you guys Sunday!
Love ya!